Our Mission


To educate and engage the next generation of climate and social advocates with radically new ways to explore our world with real-time satellite earth imagery and new human-computer interaction tools.

We are a small group of scientists, creatives and global citizens greatly concerned about the health of our planet and the future of our children and the generations to come. We acknowledge and commend the hundreds of organizations public and private, and the millions of individuals focused on this call to action. Each pursuing in their own way to bring about the restoration necessary to reduce and reverse the catastrophic effects of climate change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and the consequential impact on human rights for those most severely affected across the Earth.

Our goal is to bring all these actions together in a different way:

• First by enabling anyone the ability to see the whole Earth in near real time 24 hours a day and provide fresh reflection just like the original Blue Marble image.

• Second, in conjunction with this new way of viewing the Earth accessible by anyone, we will build a social - environmental platform to enable broader education, collaboration, and coordinated action.


We invite you to join us


Want to know more media@livingearthorchestra.com

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